I could smell something was up.
I wrapped up a quick chat with some of the newspaper guys and walked over to one of the media relations guys…
“Hey, so uhh… are they waiving Alvin today or what?”
“There are a couple of things that they’re doing this morning...”
“Ahh, so you know something…”
“Can I expect some paperwork that says Alvin will be released?”
I like these very direct interchanges.
So I hook up my equipment to the main sound board, and find a seat in the back row.
I shake a couple hands, and get re-acquainted with someone I went to college with. He’s now doing his thing at the Score. Big things.
I see Bryan Colangelo’s making his way towards to make-shift podium, so I start up my minidisc to record.
BC says there will be two parts to this morning’s presser… the first of which is the waiving of Alvin Williams.
I glanced over to the media relations guy with whom I had exchanged top secret information. I got a nod in return. Fair trade.
So Colangelo’s going on about how this move needed to be done… saying he wouldn’t rule out Alvin making a return to the organization in some capacity.
Four minutes later, Colangelo steps down from the table, and says he’ll be back with his “free-agent signing”
Fast forward a couple minutes, and as promised, BC returns with Freddy Jones and says the 6’2” former slam dunk champ has a “tremendous skill set,” and resembles “one of the final pieces.”
Jones takes his turn on the mic and says the “style of play” is what attracted him to Toronto, noting that the Pacers’ strategy was not conducive to his game.
He also said Kevin O’Neill told him to check for Toronto.
Everyone shared a laugh.
A few minutes later came the photo opportunity. Colangelo shares the jersey-hoisting duties with Jones, who will apparently wear #20.

Alvin’s #20.
A mere 10 minutes (at most) has passed since the waiving was announced, and already Alvin’s number has been jacked. What if someone wore #15? What would you think?
Personally, I felt like Alvin was the heartbeat of the Raptors for years… he played more games in Toronto than anyone else not named Morris Peterson, and this is how it goes??
Shown the door, with his remains swept under the rug?
Strictly business.
Afterwards, I got a fair amount of questions in for both Colangelo and Jones… but I want the rest of this to focus on Alvin.
Once I got back to the station, did my Freddy Jones voicers, I got notified that Alvin’s conference call would start at 2 o’clock.
Just 40 minutes after I finished my reports.
This would be my very first conference call… good times.
I got the first question in…
“Alvin, this is Zack Cooper from the Fan 590… I’m just curious, I mean, this has been talked about for a while, but how are you doing? I mean, where’s your head at?”
“Well, I was just disappointed. I still wanted to play with the Toronto Raptors, you know, if I had one more chance… but hopefully I can get with another team to continue playing. If not, just look forward to doing other things in my life.”
Skip forward a bit…
“Alvin, earlier today, Bryan mentioned that you might make a return to the Raptors organization, in a role other than a player… how much was that talked about?”
“It was mentioned, or whatever, but there wasn’t much talk. I haven’t talked to anyone from the team – other than a couple people calling me to wish me luck or whatever – but not with anyone with the team who could make that sort of decision.”
Then I had to ask the standard ‘Is there one memory that outshines the others, that you’ll keep with you forever?’ question…
“A lot of them. All of them. The good and the bad moments, because this was the chunk of my career – and basketball, as a lot of people know, is my passion. So, everything that happens through basketball came through the Toronto Raptors, as far as my professional career and what not. The playoffs… Whether it was the signing of Lenny Wilkins, or the firing of Lenny Wilkins… You know, just playing with guys like Vince Carter, Mo Pete, Muggsey Bogues, Oakley… like, all the guys who have been through the team… just the biggest thing for me. All the memories. And all my friends here, my family, I have thousands of stories to tell them about different guys. So, a lot of the memories throughout basketball, I’m going to cherish with the Toronto Raptors, as well as the fans… walking around the city, going to restaurants, going to convenience stores, and all the love I was being shown… It was always a pleasure, and I’ll miss that dearly.”
No doubt any true Raptor fan will miss Alvin, in return, as I will.
I remember when he played those 5 minutes last season, and the entire ACC erupted with applause… I nearly cried.
I remember how well he played against his hometown Sixers in that push towards the Eastern Finals…
I remember how last season, when I started covering the Raptors, Alvin would always be one of the last guys out of the RBK court, still dripping with sweat, all while knowing he wasn’t going to see any game-time.
Alvin told me in the conference call that he knew this day was coming… and that he even put up his house to be sold the day the season ended.
I can’t think of a classier guy on the Raptors; He’s a guy who never played into the controversies that were so common place around this team.
I know it’s not like he died or anything… but please, leave a comment… or e-mail me some memories you have of Alvin’s time as a Raptor…
If the Raptors won’t play keep-away with his number, the least we can do is share some fond memories. He was kind enough to do the same with me.
(edit: It turns out Jorge Garbajosa will be wearing #15)