Thursday, September 14, 2006

Being a Good Guy Helps... just not my computer...

OK, so here's where my current mood lies: in the land of frustration.

I had just typed about 2 pages worth of today's update, when I went to go fetch my sound clips online. My (new) computer crashed, leaving my document blank... and I still can't get my clips to play.

So this is very exciting (I hope that when you read this, you get a little wet from the sarcasm dripping from my words).

I won't lie... the lack of audio will take a little wind out of my sails, since I actually had some quality quotes, but we will have to go without.

So here's the story, hopefully shorter than my initial draft (hey, I got things to do)...

Tuesday night I get an e-mail from my boss, asking if I can cover the media availability for Jose Calderon and Jorge Garbajosa (the two Spaniards have come to Toronto, fresh off winning gold at the Worlds')...

Obviously I would jump at the chance to do this... not only for my personal well-being, but also because this blog has run dry this summer.

So it's yesterday now (figure out how that works), I head to the station for noonish to pick up all the necessary equipment, and head down to the ACC's multi-purpose "meeting room A".

The tiny room is packed with chairs, and where the podium would be, lay a back-drop.
A Rogers back-drop. With the Raptors logo placed neatly beside the Leafs, Marlies and Toronto FC icons. Ahhh, to be a part of a monopoly.

After catching up with a couple of the reporters... Jose and Jorge filtered into the room.

I get prime positioning: Right in between the two of them.

Then comes a little tappy tappy to my shoulder.

"Excuse me, Mr. Fan, do you mind holding my microphone as well?"

Being a born nice-guy, I oblige.

Immediately, I realized I made a mistake. Holding two microphones in one hand, while focusing on my minidisc's recording levels in the other, was not a pleasant experience. My mind was focused more on ensuring that the mics did not make contact (it makes an awful BANGING noise in the recording), than it was listening to what the players had to say.

Great. So the scrum goes through about 10 minutes. I don't get one question in, and I'm pretty sure my audio sounds like crap. On top of that, my levels were weak, and I had no idea what the guys had to say.

Boo-urns, indeed.

So I get my stuff all packed up when the Global guy thanks me and tells me that his reporter never showed up.

I sympathized with him for a minute, when a former co-worker quickly two-stepped through the door. He rushed over to where I was standing, and immediately apologized.

Not to me... to his camera man.

Traffic's a bitch, ain't it?

Either way... with them having a camera, it instantly got them a one-on-one.
I asked if I could piggy-back on their interview.

"Sure man, if it weren't for you, we wouldn't have gotten any of that."

Sweet, so I had another chance to get my prepared-the-night-before questions in.

We walked over to Calderon, whom I greeted first:

"Jose, man... we never got to hook up in Spain this summer..."
"I know, sorry about that. By the time you got there, I was already with the National team."
"It's all good. I guess it paid off. Either way, welcome back, and congratulations."

I let the Global guy kick off the interview, what with it being his and all... he asked something about Jose's thoughts on the infusion of the European talent...

I followed that up with a question I had been longing to ask for a while, now:

"Good chemistry seemed to get you guys through some tough times last year... but with 9 new guys coming in this year, do you think maybe there were too many moves made too quickly?"

(Keep in mind, with no audio these responses are not verbatim... it's more my recollection of his responses)

"No, I think we've got a lot of good lockerroom guys coming in. People that know how to play as a team, and as long as we've got that, we can play well, and win games."

Another Global question, before my next turn:

"At the Worlds', your shot seemed to be falling with a lot more consistancy than it did last season with the Raptors. Was it something in your workout regimen that changed, or was it just a matter of comfort?"
"Well, at the end of last season, I started working with Jay Triano a little more. We changed up some of my mechanics, and it paid off. I felt really good, not only shooting, but also with my defense and passing."

After a couple more minutes, I thanked him once again...

He said he's really looking forward to playing this season... as are the rest of the guys.

In fact, 12 Raptors are already in town for informal workouts (Rasho Nesterovic and Pape Sow are not), with training camp still 3 weeks away (It's October 3rd, Ferg).

Jose is off to New York now for the "Rookie Transition Camp."

I'm staying right here for mine... but I'll be ready.
I already got me some new shirts and ties.

What up?!


FC said...

i can't tell u how glorious it is to get the love. much obliged. oct 3??? YEEE-UNH!!! days, mere days, away.

-_- said...

I don't really care for the Raps anymore (I've lost faith) but I'm planning to be there in March when Shaq wrecks shop.

You'd better believe it, potnah!

Zack Cooper said...

Ferg... you know how we roll...

Soli... I'll see you at the back of the bandwagon...

Anonymous said...

I just converted my apartment to high altitude, just like in Colorado. This of course is all while I prepare for the Draft of Drafts for the new League. Its also to improve my conditioning for online poker.